Latin is an ancient language of precision which does not yield opportunities to massage its vocabulary and language with ambiguous meanings because it is classified as a ‘dead language’ and will not change.

Christ Our Divine Teacher so clearly taught that Satan is the ‘father of lies because there is no truth in him.’ So we see unless we love in our hearts Christ’s totality of truth, we flounder in Satan’s ugly embrace of false charity, loving the false loves of this world and their seemingly endless rationalizations, for did not St. John the Evangelist also say: "He that loveth Me not, keepeth not My Words." (Jn. 14:24) "You do not love unless you love the truth."

Such satanical duplicity, claiming to love and really failing, is only possible in the lukewarm world of moral indifference and moral relativity, and a careless affectation founded upon self-aggrandizement. Certainly there ca

Latin is an ancient language of precision which does not yield opportunities to massage its vocabulary and language with ambiguous meanings because it is classified as a ‘dead language’ and will not change.

Christ Our Divine Teacher so clearly taught that Satan is the ‘father of lies because there is no truth in him.’ So we see unless we love in our hearts Christ’s totality of truth, we flounder in Satan’s ugly embrace of false charity, loving the false loves of this world and their seemingly endless rationalizations, for did not St. John the Evangelist also say: "He that loveth Me not, keepeth not My Words." (Jn. 14:24) "You do not love unless you love the truth."

Such satanical duplicity, claiming to love and really failing, is only possible in the lukewarm world of moral indifference and moral relativity, and a careless affectation founded upon self-aggrandizement. Certainly there can be nothing more abhorrent to God’s infinite goodness and love than a demonic lukewarm love that consumes sinners into an abyss of moral mediocrity, a so-called middle ground world created by Satan and called by the world today "tolerance."
Today, this pandemic redefining of ‘love’ from Christ’s own sacrificial giving to a feel-good religion of ‘I’m OK and you’re OK’ has reeked havoc upon Christian charity. Can there authentically be love in any human heart that tolerates evil in varying degrees? Christ would definitely say ‘no’ but Satan ‘yes.’

This mixing of the moral with the immoral in a duplicitous vocabulary of the modernistic philosophy of political correctness is the very artifice of Satan himself and all the ‘judas priests’ of the day. This erroneous nomenclature of satanical vocabulary, such as the word ‘tolerance’ that is used to rename an evil, cold, lukewarm moral indifference as the very love of Christ itself is the devil’s shrewdest form of false charity in its very essence. A similar example of this is to call abortion a ‘choice’ or euthanasia as a benevolent form of ‘mercy’ for the elderly or the terminally ill. Satan’s
modus operandi is to make virtue seem like vice and vice as virtue.

Overwhelmingly, this diabolical deceit of false charity is at work everywhere in Catholic pulpits in the last thirty years, which promotes an ambiguous definition of love as implying all religions love God equally as a basic premise; love your neighbor means to forgive the unrepentant everything and never reprove him for anything; and love of God means only His mercy and none of His justice as in ‘God loves you even when you are sinning and doing wrong.’

A concerted effort is made to avoid Christ’s supreme definition of love: if you love Me, you will keep My commandments or you will do My Father’s will and avoid all sin.

Commonly, we can detect a ‘lovism’ sermon of the day by a total avoidance and antipathy for the following subjects: death, judgment, heaven, hell–the four last things–and sin in all of its definitions and manifestations; however, all the great Catholic mystics and spiritual writers through the centuries have advanced these salient teachings–Catherine of Sienna, John of the Cross, John Chrysostom, Augustine, Aquinas, Louis de Montfort.

‘Lovism’ sermons are syrupy, sappy, theologically impotent, and heretical; for they basically advance the doctrine of feel-good Christianity that
tolerates all kinds of evils: no one sins, no one is going to hell, no one needs to convert anymore–we are all equal in what today has become theological egalitarianism at its worst. Simply love and tolerate your neighbor in all he or she says or does.
This is neither Christian, nor Catholic, nor Christ-like theology; for one can easily see that Christ was, indeed, the supreme moralist of all time Who was constantly explicating sin in all of its intricacies throughout His human sojourn. In fact, almost ninety percent of the great Sermon on the Mount is replete with prohibitions: do not be angry; you shall not kill; do not worry; do not commit adultery; do not divorce or remarry; do not swear etc.— if you wish to be saved and live with Christ eternally in heaven. How many priests today really preach Christ?
As a statement against all the satanical implications of the word ‘love’ throughout the centuries, Catholicism has employed a most special nomenclature for ‘love’ in order to avoid the sea of ambiguities, misconceptions, distortions and false teaching which this holiest terminology of Christ-like love has so often, unfortunately, attracted. These master craftsmen of this satanical deceit today are known as facilitators of a new-age consensus, who are the grand manipulators of theological mind control and Catholic consensus-building on all subjects, including most notoriously, this new theology of ‘lovism.’
Nowadays, in virtually any foreign language, this hideous ambiguity exists for the word love except with ancient Latin, which has for centuries been able to nourish and keep secure the Church’s magisterial theology of Tradition intact.
Latin is an ancient language of precision which does not yield opportunities to massage its vocabulary and language with ambiguous meanings because it is classified as a ‘dead language’ and will not change.
It is a well-known fact of late how translators manipulate the Latin into all kinds of unseemly deceits to spin the meaning of a translation since Vatican Council II. For example, in English one can use the word ‘love’ to mean many different things: one can ‘love’ God, ‘love’ his neighbor as himself, ‘love’ his cat under the bed, ‘love’ sex, drinking, food, clothes, cars etc. In short, the term ‘love’ in English has become so intensely bloated semantically that it is now virtually meaningless; however, ecclesiastical Latin has one word only for the sacrificial love of Christ,
‘caritas,’ while the Latin word ‘amor,’ was a secular term for love in common parlance so much akin to our modern word for ‘love,’ indicating a passionate, feeling and nothing else. As the Roman poet Vergil has said so succinctly regarding passionate love: "Amor omnia vincit."
How precise the meaning of the Latin language is in making proper semantic differentiation where necessary. Therefore, the Latin
‘caritas’ was translated into English only as its most obvious English derivative ‘charity’ for so long until Vatican II, and so theologians, preachers, and catechists were careful to use ‘charity’ and not ‘love’ when they were speaking of Christian love. It is this lovism which the new-fangled liberal theology of love, and its attendant ambiguous vocabulary, that one hears so often bandied about from pulpits today in Catholic Churches—simply to promote Satan’s false charity.
It is clear now how ‘charity’ is the word Catholicism has employed throughout the centuries in English to express this unique, supernatural love of God for mankind: of Christian men for their neighbors; of Christ for His Father; of Christ’s propitiatory love for us on the Cross. Moreover, it is so evident how today’s Catholic pulpits are awash in a sea of lovism, is another clandestine tool of satanical intrigue from the Great Imitator himself.
All of this points to why Catholicism for centuries, even in the English language, has religiously avoided the common word ‘love’ to express Christ’s sacrificial, perfect love of mankind, but instead has only used ‘charity’ or its appropriate and nearest equivalent in modern languages.
Can we doubt that Judas was full of himself and emboldened about his reasons why he should betray Christ, reasons that Jesus had so vehemently and so often attacked throughout His teaching mission vis-a-vis the pharisees, Jewish philosophers of tolerance and false love during Christ’s sojourn on earth. This shocking clash of love of this world versus the love of Christ has surfaced with a fury unprecedented in the modern Catholic Church as never before.
It is a supreme act of moral depravity to teach that Christ’s definition of love does not include the avoidance of all sin. ("Be ye therefore perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect."(Matt V: 48)
Beneath all manifestations of this false charity is the basic denial to correct the morally depraved, the spiritually indifferent, and the religiously unattached; thus underwriting Satan’s false charity and his world of moral tolerance. It is, in effect, Satan’s consummate betrayal of Christ with the false kiss of false charity. It appears to be charity, but it is not; it seems to be virtuous, but it is malicious.
To make light of Catholic doctrine in an uncompromising and unprincipled attitude of moral indifference is as spiritually deleterious as a the carping attitude of a self-righteous pharisee, hostilely awash in satanic malevolence. How absolutely imperative it is that one understands these two perversions of false charity, if we wish to live in Christ-like charity. So many souls are deceived by Satan’s version of false charity, a deadly theological look–alike, which argues love would never condemn anyone to hell for this: contraception, divorce, homosexuality etc. These are the nefarious attitudes that Satan inevitably sows in the minds and hearts of his unwary followers—agreeing in their hearts to go along, to get along, in order to receive the false loves of this world. These tactics Satan even attempted to use against Christ in his three temptations of Our Divine Lord Jesus Christ.
–to be continued– j hughes dunphy