12/12/07 13:45 Filed in: Communion in The hand

The betrayal of Christ by Judas Priest is threefold and the second tier of this disgraceful sacrilege, which we will consider now, is the missing presence of Judas Iscariot when all the rest of the apostles and Christ were deep in prayer in the Garden of Olives. This was the second biblically noted event in Judas Iscariot’s life: his absence from Christ’s side with the other apostles when Our Lord was so deep in the contemplation and prayers of His Passion, just before His Way of the Cross and Crucifixion. This again, was a remarkable event in the life of Judas Iscariot, this willful and voluntary absence from the side of Christ, His Savior, when Our Lord and Savior was deep in the prayers of His Passion.
This cold calculating indifference towards Our Divine Lord and His Holy Presence

The betrayal of Christ by Judas Priest is threefold and the second tier of this disgraceful sacrilege, which we will consider now, is the missing presence of Judas Iscariot when all the rest of the apostles and Christ were deep in prayer in the Garden of Olives. This was the second biblically noted event in Judas Iscariot’s life: his absence from Christ’s side with the other apostles when Our Lord was so deep in the contemplation and prayers of His Passion, just before His Way of the Cross and Crucifixion. This again, was a remarkable event in the life of Judas Iscariot, this willful and voluntary absence from the side of Christ, His Savior, when Our Lord and Savior was deep in the prayers of His Passion.
This cold calculating indifference towards Our Divine Lord and His Holy Presence by simply ignoring Him at prayer, especially His prayers acknowledging His imminent Passion and Death, lives in our own times, most notoriously, in liberal Protestantism and liberal Catholicism of today.
As a matter of fact, there are virtually no differences between these two extreme realities of modern day Christianity, save the former does not claim to be part of the Orthodox Roman Catholic Church while the latter, mistakenly, does. Both betray Christ: one overtly, the other covertly.
How can these two seemingly irreconcilable faith realities be so much akin? Their shared bias stems from the "Novus Ordo Missae" liturgy and its general proclivity to avoid at all costs the salvific themes of suffering, repentance, and one’s own sinfulness– whether of priest or people in the Mass– thus causing all its adherents to ignore, like Judas, Christ at prayer in the Garden as He contemplated His Passion and Death. And this is the very essence of liberal Protestantism which also avoids entirely, like Judas Iscariot, any connection whatsoever with a prayerful acknowledgment of these salient themes of Christ’s Passion and Death: one’s own sinfulness, the sufferings of Christ, or a need for any kind of repentance whatsoever.
The betrayal of Christ by modern day liberal Protestantism is much more overt than the "Novus Ordo Missae," for it avoids altogether any official liturgical prayer like the Mass which renews totally and completely Christ’s sufferings and death for our sins– something the Reformers threw out centuries ago– the most holy sacrifice of the Mass.
But while the betrayal of Christ in His prayers in the Garden of Olives is more overt for Protestantism in its resemblance to Judas Iscariot, "The Novus Ordo Missae’s" similarity to Judas is more covert because of its noteworthy avoidance of the penitential in what is supposed to be a Mass renewing Christ’s Sacrifice for our sins in His Passion and Death. How clear and well known this reality is to all orthodox Roman Catholics today, especially in the last forty years of Vatican II theology and ritual where the Mass has become a veritable celebration of Christ and one’s worthiness to eat and drink at the table of the Lord. References to personal sinfulness of priest and people are so downplayed in the "Novus Ordo Missae," if not entirely unrecognizable whatsoever, that it is a kind of afterthought. Betrayal whether covert or overt is nevertheless betrayal, a sin that Christ did not deal delicately with in His strong condemnation of Judas Iscariot’s treachery.
This egregious betrayal by Judas Iscariot of Our Divine Savior by being absent when Our Savior was deep in prayer during His Passion in the Garden of Olives for the sins of the world is just what we see in the "Novus Ordo Missae" and Protestant worship services, a tragic flaw that glaringly inhibits the flow of salvific graces into one’s soul for the forgiveness of sin and salvation of one’s immortal soul. For if the Mass avoids the immolation of Christ’s Sacrifice for sin on the Cross, as the liturgy of the "Novus Ordo Missae" clearly does, as well as a strong vocal need for one’s own personal immolation or repentance for sin with it, then the Eucharist becomes nothing more than a praise banquet of feel good religion devoid of sacramental legitimacy and grace. The wanton removal in the "Novus Ordo Missae" after Vatican II of repeated supplications to the saints in various litanies that for were present for centuries in the traditional "Missa Latina Tridentina" for the forgiveness of our own sins as well as the priest offering, is exemplary of the rotten fruits of the New Mass and its desacralized liturgy. The upshot of this liberal liturgical innovation was the cataclysmic loss of graces to the Catholic Church and the world. Nothing more provokes the wrath of Almighty God than an unrepentant heart if we witness the stringent language of the fifty-first psalm:
"Make me hear rejoicing and gladness, that the bones you have crushed may revive. From my sins turn away Your Face and blot out all my guilt. For in sacrifice You take no delight, burnt offering from me you would refuse, my sacrifice, a contrite spirit, a humbled, contrite heart you will not spurn."
And this truth of the missing repentant heart theme in the "Novus Ordo Missae" again becomes shockingly evident in the removal of this critical Catholic language of repentance for sin from the prayers at the beginning of the New Mass, that have always been present in the "Missa Latina Tridentina":
"May the almighty and merciful Lord grant us pardon, absolution, and remission of our sins. Amen."
Over and over again the prayers of the repentant heart theme come forth with alacrity in the "Missa Latina Tridentina" in the very same way that Our Divine Master and Teacher explained how a contrite heart should be the way to pray always in His great comparison of the publican and the pharisee who were praying in the Temple: the publican was heard by Almighty God because he begged for mercy for his sins, while the pharisee was ignored because he boasted of his personal righteousness and no need for repentance before God. Everywhere, the language of the repentant heart theme is so evident in the "Missa Latina Tridentina": the priest’s humble supplication in his own personal "Confiteor" for sin at the beginning of Mass, his intense sorrow for sins innumerable at the Offertory, his begging the Blessed Trinity for forgiveness of sin by means of the saints meritorious intercession at the end of the Offertory, the huge litany of the saints in the Canon to remove his sins and ours through the saints’ merits and prayers, and his resolve at the end of the Mass to avoid all sins with a pure heart after eating and drinking Christ’s Body and Blood in what is clearly a firm resolution or firm purpose of amendment to not sin again. Thus the repentant heart theme is intact throughout the "Missa Latina Tridentina" while it is virtually nonexistent in the "Novus Ordo Missae". This is why the "Novus Ordo Missae" for the past forty years, since its inception, is not– clearly not– an efficacious prayer that merits the effusion of graces from Almighty God’s benevolent hands to humanity. And this is why Satan has had free reign on souls in a reign of terror of sexual sin, contraception, divorce, pornography, and homosexuality, the likes of which the Church and the world have not witnessed before, with the creation of the New Mass.
The inevitable result of all this betrayal of Christ in His Passion and Death is communion in the hand, and the notion that "I am worthy, O Lord to enter under Thy roof. You need say no word for my soul to be healed." These are unmistakably the words of Judas Iscariot, the betrayer who saw no sin in himself for exchanging Christ’s life for thirty pieces of silver by being absent at Our Lord’s prayerful Passion as do many millions of apostate Catholics who rationalize no need for repentance in their souls or see any reason why they ought to attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Moreover, they see no need, either, to imbibe the everlasting fruit of the Most Holy Eucharist or heed Christ’s powerful words: "Unless you eat My Flesh and drink My Blood, you have no life in you."
No one can doubt the graces Judas Iscariot lost by failing to be present in the Garden of Olives to pray in Our Lord’s Infinite Presence, an opportunity given to only twelve very special beloved souls in all of human history, to pray with Christ Our Lord Himself, of which Judas Iscariot was one of the cherished. Likewise who can doubt the harsh reality of millions of souls of former Catholics, baptized and confirmed in the one true faith and who have eaten the precious Body of Our Lord but have turned on Him just as Judas did for the thirty pieces of silver that the world has to offer. Indeed, they are the very same crowd, therefore, who said to our divine Savior two thousand years ago: "This is too much to take, eating His Flesh and drinking His Blood" and who, forthwith, departed forever.
This egregious betrayal of Our Lord’s food of the Eucharist is the very essence of liberal Protestantism as well as liberal Catholicism with a multitude of souls that are dead; dead because they are too attached to the things of this world, their own sins, and their own pride to truly participate in the sacrifice of the Mass and repent and are, therefore, starving for lack of nourishment of Christ’s Precious Body and Blood.
This second betrayal of Judas Iscariot includes also the lost graces of those Catholics who could attend Mass more often and choose not to, for an assortment of worldly reasons that more often than not represent the attractions of the thirty pieces of silver.
The graces lost for those souls who could be daily communicants, and choose not to for ephemeral reasons, are no different than the graces Judas could have had for his own overflowing happiness in the hereafter; graces Our Divine Good Shepherd of all souls offered him again and again, even up to the very last minute of Judas’ betrayal: "Do what you are going to do, friend." These words were uttered by Jesus Christ just before Judas Iscariot gave his infamous kiss to his Savior. Our Lord left the door wide open to His Everlasting Love without any condemnation, by calling Judas ‘friend’, but at the very same time allowing for the free choice of Judas and every individual. But Judas, like all liberal Protestants and liberal Catholics wanted nothing whatsoever to do with the word ‘repentance’. Just as the pharisee praying in the temple asked not for ‘forgiveness’ for his sins, so is the fate of all liberal Catholics and liberal Protestants who have no need to repent or pray for such repentance. Our Lord’s own words will condemn them: "Only one went away from the temple that day justified." Graces lost are graces lost forever, for we "did not know the time of His Visitation."
–to be continued–
j hughes dunphy