July 2014
False Charity, Class Envy, The Pope, Bishops and the Modern Church

We all know how the American government, corrupted as it is to the very core, participates in Marxist class envy vigorously everywhere , making blacks hate whites and vice versa, the poor hating the wealthy, and pitting one ethnic group against another, with even women hating men. Why? To create division and hate so the government can step in to seize power and advance governmental programs of equality that create even more class envy and hatred. The goal of all Marxist communist class envy to is to advance the totalitarian Communist atheistic state. Marxist communist class envy destroys true love of man for his neighbor or Christian charity, encourages the vice of sloth, and decimates a free market economy and capitalism, and peace on earth and good will to all men.
Nevertheless, most egregious of all is when the Church itself promotes class envy, liberation theology, and the massive loss of souls through the sin of envy from the top of the Church to the naive laity in the pews. This is true because Pope Francis himself, in another one of his casual unorthodox statements to the press, made the following egregious remark: “illegal immigrants must be welcomed and protected” in the United States of course. And not only the pope was involved in this illegal invasion , but the US Conference of Catholic Bishops received in 2012 , 65.9 million in federal grants to care for unaccompanied alien children and refugees, according to its 2012 annual report. Moreover, the group raised 1.4 million from its own church members while Federal loans and private sector grants made up the remainder of the 71 million spent on the resettlement that year. That means 93 percent of the NSCCB’s spending on charity was covered by U.S. taxpayers. (World Net Daily who published these statistics could get no response to emails and phone calls on seeking comments).
Furthermore, even Catholic Charities USA and other religious groups are working behind the scenes with the Federal Government to temporarily house and resettle this Latin American invasion in dozens and dozens of communities across the United States . This is not, not Catholic Charity being rendered through the Church working with the government but naked Marxist Communist class envy to give political advantage to its perpetrators with these so-called poor who are stealing citizenship illegally at our southern borders at the behest of American Catholic Bishops, numbers of lay Catholics and even the pope’s own encouragement.
Charity can only be charity as Our Divine Lord taught when “you give a drink of water even to one of these little ones for My Name’s sake, you will not fail to receive your reward.” Our Lord is not talking about a materialistic reward or advantage such as Marxist Class Envy is interested in, but only a reward in the hereafter as in adoring and worshipping God and gaining grace for one’s soul.

So-called helping illegal immigrants will only give the left wing democratic party an huge advantage politically for decades to come if this fiasco at the borders is pulled off and unopposed. Charity is only charity when help financially or otherwise is freely given for a spiritual end , and not manipulated by force through the tax system to give political advantage to those in power—the democrats. This is a scandal of scandals and on such a large scale, affecting so many, many Americans through the theft of tax dollars by the government and its democratic sympathizing cohorts. Spending all this money on illegal immigrants is a heinous sin and crime against the American people, whether these illegal immigrants are poor or not. Clearly, this is true when there are already millions and millions of poor or economically deprived Americans who are loyal citizens but cheated by this debacle. This could create an epidemic of disease and illness from these un-inoculated invaders to America when there already are so many Americans struggling to receive even basic health care from this Class envy Communist oriented Government. What a Catholic debacle this has become when the Church hierarchy and Pope Francis themselves are encouraging this!
It has been reported more than once that Catholic Charities USA also assists a number of other very un-catholic causes---which is a left wing political group of the American bishops---such as abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality and now illegal immigration. Catholics must stop contributing immediately to this insidious organization under the control of evil forces.
This is an heinous scandal! And what a scandal this satanical sin of class envy can be, and all the other sins that it perpetrates and spreads. Let us listen to the holy Cure of Ars, the great parish priest of the Catholic Church, and how serious the sin of envy is in destroying souls.
“How many crimes have occurred in the history of the world, all of which had their source in envy! Envy has occasioned divisions in the Church, produced heresies ( i.e. liberation theology), originated wars, armed brother against brother, laid countries to waste, pillaged cities, separated families (i.e. liberation theology), and brought them to ruin. Envy knows no bounds.
It regards neither the bonds of friendship nor of blood. It incites the child against his father, as in the case of Absalom; brother against brother, like Cain; friend against friend, as with Saul; it causes men to forget the greatest benefaction, and hate the kindest of benefactors, as was the case with the Pharisees toward our Divine Savior.

Every one who has not lost all feelings of morality considers envy as a most disgraceful vice, and yet this vice is not as rare as people think. There is no end to envy in the world. Even amongst ourselves, envy is not a stranger. Indeed, there is not a man upon earth who has not to be upon his guard to close his heart to the vice of envy, to keep down every emotion of envy within him. For this reason I wish to warn you against envy, to show you:
To envy our neighbor’s happiness or fortune means to murmur at the dispensations of Providence and at God’s government of the world. The envious laborers in the vineyard, of whom the gospel speaks, murmured at the father of the family, and in like manner do all envious persons. Even if they do not grumble in just so many words, envy is practically a complaint against God. The envious person grudges his neighbor the good fortune that befalls him. But is it not God Who has granted it to him? It is a subject of vexation to the envious that his neighbor’s undertaking has succeeded (i.e. America), that his business is prosperous (i.e. America), that a joyful event has taken place. But does not every good gift come from God, Who is the success of every enterprise (i.e. America), allows business to prosper (i.e. America), and brings about that joyful event? Envy therefore, is a censure, a disapprobation of Divine Providence. The eye of the envious one is evil, because God is good.
According to this reasoning, God ought not to rule the world according to the decrees of His Love and Justice, but in accordance with the diabolical wishes of the envious, dispense His gifts and His chastisements. How malicious, and what a crime envy is! The Cure of Ars, “Sermons”
This malicious false desire of Marxist Class Envy to allow illegal immigration and all of its horrors prohibits the holy virtue of charity wherein Catholic bishops and priests and flock would work as missionaries in Mexico and Latin America to end the abject poverty of spirit where it exists in the Catholic faith, first, and then help alleviate physical want and need by teaching a man “how to fish rather than give him a fish”.
This outrageous power grab by American bishops viz. Cardinal O’Malley of Boston who recently stated to the press so arrogantly that “illegal immigration is more important than abortion” is an abomination. How this marks him as a disciple of the vice of Marxist Communist atheistic class envy for he happily shook hands with the president and also said how we can work together in this crisis--- the Church and the US Government.
Therefore, as the holy Cure of Ars teaches: “Let us love our neighbor and not envy him.” But how can we do this except by denying all unholy desires in ourselves and towards our neighbor or by our neighbor. This means also avoiding all excessive attachments in this world to its materialism, its possessions, its money, power, pleasures, or ownership. For all false desires in this world will be burnt up on the last day by Almighty God for only one desire, one love, one attachment shall survive and that is the unadulterated love of Our Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord, God , and Savior.
This love and desire alone shall survive as the 5 Foolish Virgins learned in Sacred Scripture who had empty lamps when the Holy Bridegroom returned for the Wedding Feast of love. The 5 Foolish Virgins had no oil in their lamps of heavenly merit or virtues like their sisters, the 5 Wise Virgins.
That the 5 Foolish Virgins did not concern themselves with heavenly things in a timely manner is clearly evident by their only too late recognition of their own severe lack. Their obsession obviously with the materialistic world and its desires and pleasures was catastrophic and truly tragic.
Most significantly here is what the Bridegroom or figure of Our Lord Jesus Christ utters in this famous parable because of the 5 Foolish Virgins total lack of spiritual goods, this most formidable statement of “I don’t know you,” and how it so perfectly applies to the 5 Foolish Virgins and their gross spiritual delinquency which finally cost them their salvation. How envious must these foolish virgins have been of human possessions, pleasures, and possessions to become so blinded of all spiritual graces and virtues and merit in loving God.
Likewise this shall be the very same fate of all practitioners of the vice of envy in all of its hidden forms, be it stealing from another because he has more than you, or being uncharitable towards your neighbor or maligning his good name because he is somehow more important, wealthier, or more talented or influential than you. It is impossible to call it charity when you are supporting Marxist Class Envy by encouraging illegal immigrants to remain in this country, thwarting its laws, even if you feed, clothe, house, and care for all his educational and medical needs.
Thus the wickedness of Marxist Class envy by the government and participating Catholic Church leaders has nothing, absolutely nothing charitable about it for the end of helping others does not justify the means of stealing and manipulating the American tax system to your personal gain and breaking the laws of illegal immigration.

How vicious is the vice of envy in all of its disguises, which all translate into coveting and wanting more and not being satisfied with the less that God has given you or your associates and friends for the sake of your immortal souls.
By the same token the Rich Young Man in Sacred Scriptures who walked boldly away from Christ when Our Divine Lord asked him to give up everything and come and follow Him, no doubt lost his immortal soul as the 5 Foolish Virgins. This insidious love of materialism and the things of this world which allows no room for supernatural merit precipitated no doubt the loss of the Rich Young Man’s immortal soul just like the 5 Foolish Virgins who had no oil. Though the Rich Young Man kept the commandments which pleased Our Divine Lord, it was not enough because Our Lord wanted the Rich Young Man to love Him with his whole heart and soul and mind and all his strength.
This false desire in the Rich Young Man for more and more is nothing less than the wicked all consuming vice of envy. How envy hides and disguises itself in many, many masquerades among even the seemingly religious like priests, bishops, and religious and other such seemingly holy Catholic souls but who are confounded by the devil and his many ploys with the vice of envy. Just consider how many priests and religious sisters now perceive the reality of being successful as not their own spiritual gain or the holiness of their flock but a career of titles, degrees, and ecclesiastical power.
Moreover, St. Paul’s words warn of this very wicked evil of envy, even among the spiritually and religious followers of Our Lord:
“Indeed, religion with contentment is a great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, just as we shall not be able to take anything out of it. If we have food and clothing, we shall be content with that. Those who want to be rich are falling into temptation and into a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires, which plunge them into ruin and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evils, and some people in their desire for it have strayed from the faith and have pierced themselves with many sorrows. But you, man of God, avoid all this. Instead, pursue righteousness, devotion, faith, love, patience and gentleness.” (1 Timothy 6: 6-12)
In considering charity, let us consider how false desires and concupiscence of envy must be avoided at all costs! Therefore, the sole desire that the hierarchy, including Pope Francis, ought to advocate amongst their sheepfold is pure charity as St. Paul says, in order to overcome the wicked and false desires of envy which as St. Paul advocates: “Men of God, avoid the wicked and false desires which drown men in destruction and perdition.”
The only desire that matters is the love of Jesus Christ as is so beautifully expressed in this poignant prayer from the Fr. Lasance Missal for the Tridentine Mass---a perfect prayer after Communion:
“O Lord Jesus, do Thou henceforth alone live within me. May the tongue whereon Thou hast rested never move to utter words other than such as would proceed from Thy meek and humble Heart. May the thoughts of my heart be in unison with Thine. May that mind which is in Thee be likewise in me. May I be consumed with the same desires; may I be one heart, one soul with Thee, O Jesus, Whom I bear within me. And let this union of my heart with Thine shed its influence over my whole life and conduct at all times and in all events, that so I may be able to draw other hearts to love Thee, and to devote themselves to Thy interests. This is the desire, O My Jesus, with which Thou dost inspire me--- that Thy sweet name may be hallowed, that Thy Kingdom may come, and extend, and triumph over all hearts and nations, and that Thy will, which is ever one with Thy Father’s, may be perfectly accomplished. Amen. Amen. (Fr. Lasance’s Missal, after Communion prayer)
Finally, let us dwell on Fr. John Hardon’s words, one of the greatest teachers of the Catholic faith in the last 50 years, who taught again and again the following truth:
“You are only so holy as you are detached from the things of this world! And when I say detached from the things of this world, I mean from everything, from everything, from everything.” (Fr. John Hardon, S.J.)
To be continued: J. Hughes Dunphy